Hell Let Loose

Hell Let Loose Review: A Hardcore Test of Wits and Reflexes

An in-depth look at the hardcore World War II shooter that's capturing the hearts of fans and masochists alike.

last updated Nov 20, 2023
A true testament to the genre, and a remarkable feat from a non-AAA studio.

Baptism By Fire

Let's dive into the deep end, shall we? 'Hell Let Loose' doesn't hold your hand, kiss your boo-boos, or give you a 'participation' trophy. Nope, it throws you into the meat grinder and gives you a sharp stick to defend yourself. Getting to grips with the gameplay is like learning to tandem skydive without a parachute - thrilling, terrifying, and occasionally splatty. Communication is as crucial as pinpoint aim; you'll want to wax your eloquence, or at the very least, unleash your inner drill sergeant to rally the troops. Strategies unfold across dynamic warfronts, and when the ballet of bullets meshes with impactful leadership, it's nothing short of symphonic madness.

Aural Ambush

The sound design in 'Hell Let Loose' has more bangs than a Fourth of July fireworks display. Guns bark with ferocious authenticity, and the concussive thuds of distant artillery are music to my shell-shocked ears. The immersive audio translates into a tactical asset – those not attuned to the chorus of chaos are bound to become someone’s lead salad. While the in-game music is more subtle, it provides a backdrop that ratchets up the tension, enhancing moments of heroism and the somber silence that follows a fierce firefight.

Artistic Anarchy

Graphically, 'Hell Let Loose' looks sharp enough to shave with - on the right rig, that is. The luscious landscapes and detailed character models are eye candy for sure, with a level of realism that grounds you firmly in its WWII setting. However, make no mistake, this beauty demands her dues - occasionally in frame rates. Performance can hitch faster than a Vegas wedding, depending on the digital carnage unfurling onscreen. Optimization seems to be in a game of tug-of-war with new content, teasing the balance just out of reach.

The Rough and The Tumble

Look, it's not all bullets and bravado; there are bugs skittering about that would make a roach motel blush. These technical termites gnaw at the steel beams of 'Hell Let Loose,' sometimes threatening to topple your good times with crashes that would make a demolition derby look tame. The stuttering performance can be more jarring than a morning drill, and having settings wiped like a SAS blackboard is less than ideal. It wouldn't be fair to neglect the cheating chancers either; discordant screen sharers are sly foxes in the trenches that sour the soil. Game Cover Art
STEAM RATING 84 .44% Developer & Publisher Team17 Release Date July 27, 2021

The Verdict

'Hell Let Loose' is the video game equivalent of a war-hardened veteran - grizzled, uncompromising, and demanding respect. This game isn't here to coddle you; it's here to challenge every tactical fiber in your being and then some. While there might be a few bugs to squash and optimizations to be made, the raw intensity and unrelenting demand for teamwork puts this title on the frontlines of realistic WWII shooters. A true testament to the genre, and a remarkable feat from a non-AAA studio, 'Hell Let Loose' offers a hardcore theater where the genuinely dedicated can find their home.