THE FINALS: Destructible Drama or Floppy Firefight?

Is THE FINALS the explosive free-to-play extravaganza we've been waiting for, or does it need a bit more gunpowder to truly blow up?

last updated Dec 08, 2023
THE FINALS will put that pride to the test, pushing pixels like it's bench-pressing world records.

Destruction Derby Meets Digital Gunplay

THE FINALS brings the thunder with a concept that will have destructible environment enthusiasts salivating - virtually everything can be blown to smithereens to your heart's content. The ability to alter the battleground lays down a fresh tactical platter that spices up the typical shooty-shoot routine. But it’s not all roses and rocket launchers; the boom boom stick's effectiveness comes into question like an old western revolver that needs a bit too many hits to down your foes. While automatic weaponry dances with seemingly randomized balletic bullet sprays, movement, though intended to be slick and rapid, often feels like you're wading through a vat of day-old porridge.

Eardrums Beware: The Audio Assault

While your surroundings visually implode with jaw-dropping pizzazz, the audio landscape in THE FINALS is a bit more... explosive, and not in the good way. Let's be honest, your eardrums will feel like they're on the frontline of an acoustic Armageddon. The volume peaks might make you nostalgic for that time your neighbor tried starting their chainsaw at 3 AM. It's a cocktail of chaos, with some guns sounds feeling akin to chucking a handful of dry rice on a metal drum, leaving much to be desired in the auditory satisfaction department.

A Visual Frenzy with a Performance Tax

On the visuals front, THE FINALS doesn't just come to play, it comes to slay. From epic explosions that make the Fourth of July seem like a sparkler fest, to environmental detailing that could make a grown gamer weep, the sights are nothing short of impressive. Yet, as with any visually stunning banquet, the toll must be paid - and in this case, it's your rig's horsepower that's forking over the big bucks. Bragging about PC specs? THE FINALS will put that pride to the test, pushing pixels like it's bench-pressing world records, all the while expecting NASA to come knocking for tips.

Rank and File: The Climb to Competitive

In THE FINALS, ranked play isn’t just a click away – oh no, you'll be grinding more than a barista before the morning rush. Clocking in those unranked matches feels a bit like being sentenced to community service before you can join the big league party. And yet, assuming you avoid the game's apparent penchant for crashing more than an over-caffeinated stock market trader, the competitive play promises a unique adrenaline rush, rewarding strategic team play that can sometimes be overshadowed by the occasionally questionable server performance. Game Cover Art
STEAM RATING 74 .27% Developer & Publisher Embark Studios Release Date December 07, 2023


THE FINALS is a mixed bag of bombastic bursts and delay-riddled detonations. It's free-to-play and packed with potential, but also marred with performance issues that range from personal PC prowess to server-side stumbles. This game is a champion in waiting, if it can fine-tune its gameplay to the smoothness of its environmental destruction and ensure that the only crashes happening are within its virtual walls. Regardless, it's worth a shot for anyone craving a fresh take in a genre that's all too often content with playing it safe.

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